Tuesday, November 30, 2010


its 2:16 am in the morning. 1'st December. I force myself through a yawn and my spectacles are still on the side of my bed. Its where I was reading The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid.

I've been doing alot of reading in the past few months and it only just struck me. A writer writes not by his brain, or his heart or his amazing imagination, as much he writes by experience. Each book lends a window into the lives of the authors they are written by. And by that logic, each writer is best known for a type of book.

I might be wrong to generalise, but John Grisham's forte is thriller, John Green's forte is young adult stories (with a touch of teen psychology), and where as Dan Brown's stories have much to do with secret societies all around the world; JK Rowling's set pieces are all in United Kingdom.

One could imagine how it smells and how it tastes and how it looks and maybe also how certain something feels like. But to imagine, and to actually know are two extremely different things. Imagination might be more important than knowledge, but the experience is an absolute fact in its tangible form.

I'm in no way down playing the importance of imagination. I am all up for the kalaidescopic hypertrophy of the cerebral. Then again, I feel that the passion the love and the reality with which one can elucidate a situation, an event or even an object by virtue of self experience is an all together different story (pun intended). It has an idiosyncracy that is individual, yet affliliates itself to the IMAGINATION of the people reading the literature, in an uncanny way.

But doesnt that seem like a paradox?

Nevertheless, what excited me and forced me to type through my sleep (which has been lost due to the excitement), is the simple fact, that words can play magic if you're willing to listen.

But more importantly, I know I have experienced things which only I can write about. And they're true to my opinions, my way of interpretation and the way I feel about it. I remember my Urdu teacher used to tell me that she kept a book always with her and whenever an idea, aor a thought struck her, she'd note it down. That was one of the reasons why I bought a keypad phone in the first place.

And so that leads to a simple fact, that I must keep doing what I love best. Write.

(and sketch also).

Quote of the Day : Maybe I should document my life. If not for anyone else, but myself.

its 2:57 am now, 1st of December


ßlΔcĸ ƒıre said...

Hmmm, interesting post.
It really is true, that real life experience is very different from what you imagine something to be. More often than not, we imagine something to be bigger than it really is and therefore get disappointed.

Unknown said...

couldnt agree more.

yet sometimes, you're imagination is the only reason why you've waited so long for it.

ßlΔcĸ ƒıre said...

haha, that is soooo true.

Anonymous said...

Please do document your life.